(One quick note: this list does not read in order or significance. Also, I have likely skipped over some by accident and of course could not include the very many souls whose discoveries, research, teaching, and writing have made this work possible, practical, and available to everyone who wants to help others through movement and exercise.)
I would like to thank my mother and father for everything. I am very grateful for the loving, patient support from my wife and daughter who inspire me to me to be the best I can be at whatever I pursue. I am very thankful for the time I have spent studying with my contemporaries, both the mavericks and the standard-bearers. And I am deeply obliged to those long gone, who have played their various parts in creating and shaping the study of the human body and how to deploy it and care for it. And of course there are the very many good clients I have worked with these last 22 years, from whom I grab energy in handfuls - thank you!
And now on to the names I *do* remember. I am very grateful for the works of Lama Padma Karma, Thomas Myers, Aaron Mattes, Joseph Pilates, Jwing-Ming Yang, F.M. Alexander, Oscar Thrower, Lulu Sweigard, Mark Rippetoe, Paul Check, Daniel Lieberman, Mary Bond, Galen Cranz, Stuart McGill, Joseph Muscolino, Ida Rolf, Gichin Funakoshi, Tudor Bompa, James Levine, Mike Evans, Michael Clark, Bruce Lee, Paul Chek, Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge, John Douillard, Dean Juhan, Peter Larson and Bill Katovsky, Patrul Rinpohce, Serge Gracovetsky, Robert Schleip, James Nyoraku Schlefer, Frank Netter, Ronald Evans, Eric Franklin, Guy Philbin, Gray Cook, Mike Boyle, Douglas Brooks, Alex Hutchinson, Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove, Thomas Michaud, Moshe Feldenkrais, Peter Bachin, Sensei Klein, Louis Schultz and Rosemary Feitis, and Ed Parker.
Additionally I would like to thank Kurt Johnson, Tom Lewis, Josh Nunn, Jason Richards, the late (and very great!) Jimmy Sorrentino, Jeff Dillon, JP Young, Sarah Aldrich, Kevin Oglesby, Ali Mischke, Lillee Chandra, and last, but certainly not least, Dominique Daly. My time spent working shoulder to shoulder with y'all has been immensely inspiring.
And once again to all of the above (and those I have omitted by accident): many thanks!
Be gentle
We are training for tomorrow